Thursday, June 11, 2009

DOUBLE-SHOT! What Looks Good?

This is a Double-Shot of What Looks Good, covering this week and the last -- mostly because with the new addition to the family, getting to the comic shop has been a little difficult!

Flash: Rebirth #3 -- Ironically, they just had a race around the world in Tiny Titans.  I imagine this race will be somewhat different.

House of Mystery #14 -- Back to the main story after the 13th Issue Spectacular.  This is one series which always keeps me guessing.

The Phantom: Generations #2 -- Will this one be a Moonstone "Illustrated Prose" comic like the last issue?  Chances are good.

The Phantom: Ghost Who Walks #3 -- The new/old take on the Phantom is lots of jaw-jacking fun.

Strange Adventures #4 -- Adam, Comet, Eye, and Bizarro, flying through spaaaaace, having adventures!

Storming Paradise #6 -- The delayed alternate history of WWII bows here in what should be brutal fashion.

Warlord #3 -- Travis Morgan is one bad dude, and now that he and Shakira are reunited with Machiste, look out!

War of Kings #4 -- Avoiding spoilers for this one has been hard, so it has to go at the top of the pile.

War of Kings: Savage World of Skaar -- I have avoided the Planet Hulk stuff, but this one-shot will probably end up in my pull box.

So, what looks good to YOU?

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